
Monday, July 15, 2013

Mavis Consulting; Topdressing Study

Over the past 3 years, Meadowbrook CC has participated in a topdressing study performed by Brian Mavis of Mavis Consulting.  The purpose of the study was to determine the amount of sand remaining after a topdressing application, the physical properties of that sand and the different means of working the sand into the rootzone. 
During a normal topdressing, sand is applied and than worked into the rootzone through the use of various methods including verti-cut units, drag brushes and irrigation.  When the greens are mowed the following day, the yield from the mowers usually have a certain amount of sand in the baskets that catch the clippings.  For the purposes of the study, the sand and grass clippings are separated after each mowing (members may have noticed the grass piles on cart paths) for 3 days after a topdressing event.  The collected sand is than tested to determine which particle denominations were not worked into the rootzone and the total amount collected over 3 days compared to the amount applied. 
How is this information relevant to members?  Previous articles have mentioned the benefits of topdressing but as a quick reminder, topdressing benefits include;
  • Surface Infiltration
  • Stability and Firmness
  • Smoothness of the Putting Surface
  • Green Speeds (not immediately but firmer greens usually are faster greens)
The more the crew knows about how the sand works in, which particles remain and acceptable rates of application, the more efficient they become in the application process.  The study has shown that an insignificant amount (<1%) remains on the green surface after a topdressing.  The physical properties of this sand show that the individual particles remaining are of the coarser variety (larger particles) and it makes senses that these are the hardest to work through the turf canopy.  While these particles are wanted in the rootzone, there is such a small amount of them collected that it can be assumed that the majority have worked their way into the greens.  As this study progresses, the best methods of application and rates can be determined, benefiting the members in terms of minimizing the disruption of the putting surfaces during season.  Enjoy. 


  1. Thank you for sharing. For the client who wants more than a predictive training solution, but still prefers to implement predictive maintenance using their own personnel, choose maintenance consulting.

  2. Very useful findings Mike. I look forward to seeing the rest of your conclusions as your study progresses. Top Dressing
