
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Gooseworks; Humane Goose Control

Everyone in the golf community is aware of the increasing population and damage caused by Canadian Geese.  However, just 30 short years ago, the “Giant Canadian Goose” was near extinction and great efforts were made to ensure the safety of the species.  It has made a giant rebound and found a niche in suburban landscape areas and managed turf stands. 
Why is goose control important?  The average Canadian goose can consume over 5 pounds of grass shoots and roots a day.  They prefer the turf of golf courses for the dense, available vegetation and the low mowing heights, which enable them to see predators from a long distance.  This consumption of turf has to go somewhere, and their droppings are quite obvious (over 1.5 pounds of defecation a day), especially on fairways and greens.  Goose manure is acidic and slippery, which can damage the turf plant and provide poor footing for recreational activities.

Geese prefer the non-flowing water of man-made ponds and pools
Geese and other waterfowl are known migratory birds.  But since the effort has been made to reestablish the population, many geese have given up that migratory instinct.  The landscape provided by humans is a veritable “Goose Paradise” which allows the geese a choice to travel north again to their original nesting grounds in Canada.  Would you make an optional 1000 mile trip under your own power?

No longer frequent-fliers

To control this nuisance, Meadowbrook has employed Gooseworks Inc.  They provide a humane goose control method in the form of border collies.  These collies were originally sheep dogs and easily made the transformation into herding waterfowl.  The hazing tactics of the dog and trainer offer periods of respite from overpopulation of geese and also influence the birds nesting habits (they prefer not to raise goslings in an area of high agitation).  However, if they do decide to nest, egg replacement and removal options are available as well.  Gooseworks can also provide information on how to make the habitat less desirable for geese colonization.  These methods are the most effective and humane ways to deal with rising goose populations, outside of hunting season.

          Border collies at work

1 comment:

  1. canada geese removal in New Jersey has become vital. The geese are not harmed but they are moved humanely and treated nicely.
