Over the past week, the crew has focused on bunker quality and maintenance. Besides grooming, the bunkers are edged every 2-3 weeks and constantly checked for drainage and other issues that would impede play from the sand. This week specifically, the crew individually checked each bunker to make sure it met the requirements for the amount of sand required (4" in the middle and 2" on the flashing or sides). Light areas were marked and new bunker sand was applied.
The type of sand in a bunker is obviously important, sand particle shape in particular. The more angular shape to each particle the firmer the sand will be, providing for less fried-egg lies. At MCC we mix a generic sand type with a Pro-Angle sand (provides desirable whitish color) at a ratio of 3:1 respectfully. Since the bunkers have been redone in 1984, we have seen little issues in regards to drainage and are happy with the consistency of them as a whole. After extreme rain events there is some pooling but these events are limited. With 75 tons of new sand already applied, and 25 more on the way, the crew should be able to complete the process within the week. Enjoy the beaches.